Accessibility Tools

Administration – Bachelor’s studies

The studies last three years (six semesters). Recruitment takes place on the basis of the ranking of Matura exam results. Graduates receive a Bachelor’s degree in Administration. The studies will ensure the acquisition of skills necessary in social contacts and in the performance of administrative and office functions. The graduate has a field knowledge and practical skills, which he/she gains during internships organized by the university as part of university agreements with recognized institutions of public and non-public administration of various levels.


Rules of eligibility

Candidates with a high school diploma are eligible to apply for admission to first-cycle studies in the field of Administration. Candidates for first-cycle studies are bound by the ranking of matriculation certificates.Detailed rules for determining the ranking of matriculation certificates, including the algorithm, are specified in Appendix No. 2 to No. 10/2022 of the Resolution of the Senate of the Faculty of Social Sciences of CHAT in Warsaw dated May 19, 2022.

Documents required to be submitted in paper form to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences of CHAT in the case of qualifying for studies

  • Application for admission to studies printed from the personal registration account in the IRK system and signed by the candidate,
  • an original or a certified copy of the matriculation certificate or the matriculation certificate and the certificate of the results of the matriculation examination or the matriculation certificate obtained abroad, to make a copy and certify its conformity with the original or the certified copy,
  • a current photograph of the candidate, complying with the requirements for issuing identity cards.
