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The Faculty of Social Sciences at ChAT was established in 2012 (then as the Faculty of Pedagogy), although education in the field of pedagogy had already been present at the Academy since 1989 . Currently, the Faculty’s organisational structure includes the following departments: Department of Didactics and Comparative Pedagogy, Department of Adult Pedagogy and Sociology of Education, Department of Pedagogy of Religion and Theory of Education, Department of Social Pedagogy and Culture, Department of Pedeutology and Psychology of Education, Department of Public Law and Social Policy. In addition, within the structure of the Faculty, there is the Foreign Languages and Sports Laboratory. The area of scientific interests of the Faculty staff is thematically extensive and interdisciplinary. They cooperate with research teams, institutes, universities at home and abroad: including institutions from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Israel and Germany.

In 2019, the Faculty was again positively evaluated by the Polish Accreditation Commission (without any recommendations) and has a scientific category B+ (evaluation 2022). The Faculty of Social Sciences is affiliated with the scientific journal ‘Studia z Teorii Wychowania’, published under the auspices of the KNP PAN, which is on the list of point journals of the Ministry of Education (100 points).
The Faculty of Social Sciences at ChAT develops scientific and didactic cooperation with foreign centres within the framework of Erasmus+, DAAD programmes, bilateral agreements. It cooperates, among others, with the Warsaw Centre for Social and Educational Innovation and Training, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Children’s University of Curious History, Yellowhouse and Bilingual Children Foundation, Ale Nauczanie Foundation, Akces Edukacja Foundation, as well as many kindergartens, schools of all levels, institutions of rehabilitation and therapeutic profile, and cultural institutions from Warsaw and beyond. As part of our administration studies we develop cooperation with various institutions offering internships, including local government institutions and LOT Polish Airlines.
The study programmes take into account the requirements of the Polish Qualification Framework, and the teacher specialisations additionally meet the required standards of teacher education. We have an early education methodical laboratory (MAKERSPACE), a VR virtual reality laboratory, lecture rooms fully equipped with modern computer equipment and multimedia boards, our reading room has teaching aids for the blind and visually impaired. The pedagogical book collection and the collection of methodological aids are constantly expanded. The library also offers the latest publications in legal sciences and administration.
The Faculty of Social Sciences is characterised by its openness and support for student initiatives; it organises additional methodological classes for students in, among others, bibliotherapy, inclusive, intercultural and anti-discriminatory education. The Faculty is open to cooperation with the external environment – it invites guest lecturers to conduct lectures, workshops and trainings for students, and organises and assists in the selection of internships and student placements in proven educational and social welfare institutions.
Our Faculty is a place for people who are open to the world and its diversity, which cares about the high didactic and scientific level of the conducted classes, supports and develops students’ interests, maintains permanent and good relations with the external environment.

In the following years, the deans were:

  • 2012-2016 prof. dr. hab. Tadeusz J. Zieliński
  • 2016-2024 prof. dr. hab. Renata Nowakowska-Siuta
  • 01.09.2024 Rev. dr hab. Bogusław Milerski, prof.